Sunday 31 July 2011

Teachers' Day Celebration

From the school's website...
Teachers' Day
In conjunction with the national theme “Guru Penjana Transformasi Pendidikan Negara”, Catholic High School celebrated Teacher’s Day on 24 June 2011 (Friday) while at school-level, the theme was “STARS”. The students showed their appreciation to the teachers by showering them with gifts and words of thanks. To make the occasion more memorable, there were performances such as lion dance, modern dance, singing and cheerleading. The teachers also contributed to the fun by presenting their own “1 Malaysia” dances and participating in games. The day ended with a sumptuous lunch sponsored by the PIBG for the teachers in the school hall.
June 24th is Friday, and its a date that was by chosen our principal to celebrate Teachers' day as on the original day of Teachers' Day our school were having our second term exam. Everyone including afternoon session students need to come to school as early as 7.20a.m. that day. Oh well, it's a special occasion to thank our teachers though and I just have tolerate with my sleepiness.

Afternoon session students need to gather at the sports centre and the sun's shining toward it so we need to like... sunburn, especially those who sat further at the back. I almost forgotten to take attendance for my class and end up my teacher scolded me -_-. After that, we marched to our assembly site.

As we were "newcomers", we get to sit at the "best" place to witness the whole celebration. The assembly site were decorated with colourful stars in a string, hanging from the Science lab to Block A as the theme of this Teachers' Day at school level was "STARS". There were many though, as like "they were stars during the day."

First, the band were playing some nice background music, or more to say, some soothing music while we, students went to the assembly site. Then, when all the students were at their place, settled down, the celebration finally started.

Teachers, headmistresses, VIPs all appeared according to their months of birth. Interesting! The teachers settled down with the cheers and claps of students around.

The lion dance was first, as expected. The lion came out from the school compound I should say. It kinda surprised me. -_-

#1 The golden lions appeared! What a merry sight!

They crawled around, following the beats and the rhythm of the drums, cymbals and the gongs. They went to where the teachers are sitting, literally. It danced around~

When it was over....

#2 Two lion heads... Played by 4 morning session teachers!

Everyone cheered and clapped. Including me. Great performance.

Now, the true lion dance started. The lion is white in colour. :P

Its performance is to jump to the highest pillar. There were around 10 pillars, from the shortest to the highest pillar. And too, they succeeded. >_< They are not allowed to fail.

#3 The white lion on its way to the highest pillar! Played by two students. Good job!

Later were the speeches by our principal and honored guests. And all teachers stood up to sing the theme song of this year Teachers' day. Leaded by two teachers. I guess I got all the sequence of programmes messed up.

And, the most important, the opening ceremony! Its kinda like, well, cut a big cake together with the guests and principal and teachers, and let go a flock of birds that were trapped in a small house. LOL.

#4 Cutting the cake.... Smilesmile :)

#5 Setting the white birds free!

There were modern dance by the librarians. Then, a group of students sang some songs to the teachers. AND, THE MOST EXCITING PART IS THE 1 MALAYSIA DANCE PERFORMED BY OUR BELOVED TEACHERS.

I guess that's all. The celebration ended successfully.


Oh, I've almost forgotten. There were the cheerleading club "CALYX" performance. That's when everyone burst out laughing. You see, when they're hoping up and down, they're holding some kind of board with alphabets stuck on it. They've got all the sequence all wrong! It goes "C Teachers H Rocks" and other funny words.

The canteen was bursting out because the morning session + afternoon session students were there. But I just quickly grab a bread and started munching at a corner. Its a chaos~!

We're only allowed to go home at 11.30a.m. so we have many free time. I went to sports centre and the past winners of CHS Idol were singing there. Sat down with Angelina and started listening to kill time.

Its quite a nice day. But din't get to see teachers telematch-ing. ♥

And also, its the day I've borrowed 梦想青年旅舍 by 邓秀茵 from Angelina.

Sunday 17 July 2011

My first encounter with Mr Midnight Books

Mr Midnight is one of Asia's best selling horror books. :3 My favourites  :)

"MR MIDNIGHT is a phenomenally successful horror series for children by James Lee. The series is so popular that the books even outsold Harry Potter in Singapore and Malaysia. Now, Mr Midnight-mania is spreading across Asia. Sales have exceeded a mind-boggling 2 million copies, making James Lee Asia’s #1 children’s author!"

End with all the compliments. I guess my first encounter with one of Mr Midnight books is when I'm 9 years old. I found some of the books in my school library. When I saw book #22 Wormhead, I was like "WAH, THIS BOOK COVER ILLUSTRATION SO NICE! ITS PINK IN COLOUR TOO! I'M GONNA BORROW THIS BOOK!!" I know I sound kind of dumb but that time I'm really absorbed in it.
Here's book #22 synopsis ::
STORY #1: When Jamie Koh used her beautiful new comb, she turned into a WORMHEAD. Soon, Jamie and her friends track their enemies to a cemetery and a secret world filled with deadly secrets.

STORY #2: THEY CAME FROM THE DRAIN and will stop at nothing! Esmonde Sng battles terrifying mutant human cockroaches. Can you handle the horror?: 

#1 Mr Midnight book #22

I guess my all-time favourite book is book #37 The Dead Are Dancing.

The story is about a girl named Sherilyn Sum who's very unlucky to be haunted by (EVERYONE MENTIONED IN MR MIDNIGHT IS UNLUCKY THOUGH.) the world's most feared ghost, The Ballerina who wanted to cast a spell on her. The Ballerina somewhat killed her teacher when she's still a human to be the best ballerina in the world. Now, she haunts every young ballerina and forced them to let her soul in their body so they will have fame and become famous. But in turn they will have to suffer. Hilarious, right?

#2 Mr Midnight Book #37

Now, enough with Mr Midnight. I wanted to introduce about James Lee's other best-selling series, Mr Mystery. I love to read them because its thrilling, exciting and mostly intriguing! It's worth reading and I enjoyed it very much.

The story-line is very similar to Case Closed which I should say. There are two kinds of plot. First, its somewhat confirmed that Alvin Soh's father, Alan Soh had been killed by The Snake and its framed as an accident during his death mentioned in book #8. There are matters that Alvin and The Snake had to settle. "It's personal. Just between The Snake and me." Its gonna be a long way till the ending then. This is the main plot. 

Next, there are many cases that The Snake are not involved and it just came to Alvin and his investigators. This is the so-called daily plot.

See, so many similarities, right?

Mostly, cases in Mr Mystery had to do with rich business men, or even famous public figures. Which, I think was kind of like... TOO COMMON. But the cases are quite nice, but some cases are too complicated. But, at least children like me can understand.

I love book #12. The case in it are kinda, like... well-planned. I really enjoy reading it.

#3 Mr Mystery Book #12

So, I'm going to end this post now. Goodnight. ^_^ Looking forward in reading more Mr Midnight and Mr Mystery books.

Pictures courtesy of Mr Midnight and Mr Mystery Official Facebook Page.

NEXT POST: Teacher's Day Celebration

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Freaking awesome lunch + favoured dessert

I don't need to go to school early today. YAYs for me! I din't asked mum to cook that, but it seems that she knew I freaking love to eat instant noodles very much, she cooked for me the brand new flavor of Ibumie Mee Goreng - Special. It's not very "special" actually, as the taste is same as the original's, but hotter. YIKES! MY TOUNGE IS BURNING! (MUM!! YOU ADDED MORE CHILI POWDER IZZIT!
#1 Golden noodles string!! In a slightly lighter yellow state. Don't know the reason but I guess this packet of special ibumie noodles is also special. O_O

#2 Can you see it?? The noodles is shining!! I'm excited :D

#3 The packet. It's in white colour and I can't figure out why. Is white is so special?

DESERT TIME! Mum also cooked(? barley water + winter melon in it. I'm dying of not eating winter melon for a long time! The sweetness is undescribedable. AWESOME! Thanks mum~

#4 Barley water.

I also brought some to school. It really cools down and decrease the pain of the two cute ulcers growing in my mouth. How I wish I could live by drinking it everyday only!! I rather drink this than to eat rice when the ulcers are there, seriously.

Now I know, if I keep quiet rather than keep nagging my mum to cook my favourite food, she eventually will cook it when you're not even guessing that she will cook it. That's why I guess life must have surprises better than you know what's really going on.